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The Florist's Spring

  • Florist design: Every bouquet is unique
  • Personal same-day delivery
  • Exclusive florist craftsmanship
  • Add chocolate for extra luxury

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Standard499 kr

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Product information
Let our florists create a beautiful spring bouquet filled with the season's most stunning flowers in lovely pastel tones. Ranunculus, tulips, anemones, and santinis... exactly which flowers your bouquet will feature is a delightful surprise. This bouquet is perfect when you want to send a gift that impresses. As beautiful as it is affordable.

A local florist arranges this bouquet and personally delivers it to the recipient. You will receive an SMS with a delivery confirmation once the flowers have been delivered.

We cannot guarantee delivery at the exact chosen time, but we always do our best.

The product is a Florist’s Choice and is created with inspiration from the image, but may vary depending on availability and season.

  • Same Day Delivery

    Same Day Delivery

    Fast Delivery 6 Days a Week!

  • Best Value

    Best Value

    Beautiful bouquets at great prices

  • 7 Day Freshness

    7 Day Freshness

    Guaranteed fresh flowers for seven days

  • Pay With VIPPS

    Pay With VIPPS

    Always safe and secure