OFFER! Selected bouquets - delivery to Greater Oslo


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Charming in Pink

  • Hand-tied by a local florist
  • Delivered directly to the recipients’ door
  • 7 day quality guarantee
  • Complete the gift with delicious chocolate

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Standardkr 399,00
Mediumkr 499,00
Largekr 599,00

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Product information
Enchanting pink is a beautiful bouquet that captivates the recipient. If you're looking for a bouquet that suits all occasions, this is the right one. A bouquet at a good price with beautiful flowers, where the pink base is complemented by various shades of pink.

The flowers and plants are hand-tied respectively manually prepared by a local florist and can vary from the product image due to seasonal availability, price fluctuations and differences in the florist's assortment.

Please note: if you select Sunday 12 May as the delivery day, there is a possibility that your order will be delivered on Saturday 11 May.