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Elegant Funeral Bouquet

  • Florist design: Every bouquet is unique
  • Personal delivery to the ceremony
  • Exclusive florist craftsmanship
  • Add a beautiful ribbon

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Standard1 199 kr

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Product information
Gracefully designed white and purple funeral bouquet with fragrant flowers. This stunning funeral arrangement features a blend of roses, gerberas, and freesias, accented with lush greenery for added depth and beauty. Sending this arrangement is a beautiful and affordable way to express sympathy and share heartfelt condolences during a time of remembrance.

A local florist designs this floral arrangement and delivers it to the funeral.

You will receive an SMS with a delivery confirmation once the flowers have been delivered.

We need your order at least one business day before the ceremony. If you would like a ribbon, we need your order at least two business days in advance.

It is important that you provide the exact time of the funeral in your order, as the florist will deliver the flowers at least one hour before the ceremony begins.

  • Same Day Delivery

    Same Day Delivery

    Fast Delivery 6 Days a Week!

  • Best Value

    Best Value

    Beautiful bouquets at great prices

  • 7 Day Freshness

    7 Day Freshness

    Guaranteed fresh flowers for seven days

  • Pay With VIPPS

    Pay With VIPPS

    Always safe and secure