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Fond of you

  • Personal same-day delivery
  • Exclusive florist craftsmanship
  • Every bouquet is unique
  • Add chocolate for extra luxury

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Standard449 kr
MediumBestseller549 kr
Large649 kr

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Product information
A bouquet with flowers such as roses, santinis, and carnations, beautifully combined with seasonal greenery. With its apricot and cream-colored hues, this bouquet is a true bringer of joy. The bouquet is an exclusive floral creation, with carefully selected flowers to ensure high quality. Each bouquet is unique and arranged based on availability and season – while always maintaining its color and shape. The bouquet is delivered by your local florist. Buketten er et eksklusivt floristhåndverk, hvor blomstene er nøye utvalgt for å sikre høy kvalitet. Hver bukett er unik og bindes ut fra sortiment og sesong – men beholder alltid sin farge og form. Buketten leveres av din lokale florist.

A local florist arranges this bouquet and personally delivers it to the recipient. You will receive an SMS confirmation once the flowers have been delivered.

We cannot guarantee delivery at the exact selected time, but we always do our best.

Please note that the image represents the bouquet’s color and shape. Flowers may vary depending on availability and season.

  • Same Day Delivery

    Same Day Delivery

    Fast Delivery 6 Days a Week!

  • Best Value

    Best Value

    Beautiful bouquets at great prices

  • 7 Day Freshness

    7 Day Freshness

    Guaranteed fresh flowers for seven days

  • Pay With VIPPS

    Pay With VIPPS

    Always safe and secure