OFFER! Selected bouquets - delivery to Greater Oslo


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I Am With You

  • Florist design
  • Delivered directly to the recipients’ door
  • 7 day quality guarantee
  • Complete the gift with a beautiful greeting card

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Standardkr 649,00
Mediumkr 849,00
Largekr 1 149,00

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Product information
Beautiful, pristine, all-white bouquet, composed solely of white flowers such as roses, freesias, and carnations accented with matching greenery. The purity of the all-white blooms exudes elegance and serenity, creating a timeless arrangement that is both graceful and refined. Perfect for commemorating life's special moments, this bouquet brings an aura of peace and tranquillity, exceeding expectations without exceeding your budget.

The flowers and plants are hand-tied respectively manually prepared by a local florist and can vary from the product image due to seasonal availability, price fluctuations and differences in the florist's assortment.

Please note: if you select Sunday 12 May as the delivery day, there is a possibility that your order will be delivered on Saturday 11 May.