Did you receive a gorgeous bouquet of roses? Follow our expert tips to keep them fresh and vibrant for as long as possible. The secret lies in a little care, fresh water, and the right nutrients.
Nothing expresses love quite like a stunning bouquet of roses. With the right attention, these romantic blooms can last over a week, or even longer! Carry on reading to find out how to make your roses last.
And don’t forget to explore our exquisite selection of rose bouquets at Euroflorist!
Start by trimming the rose stems at a diagonal angle using a sharp knife or cutting tool. Avoid using scissors, as they can pinch the stems and hinder their ability to absorb water. Make each cut about 2 cm long—the longer the cut, the better the roses will take in water. After cutting, immediately place the roses in a vase to prevent air from entering the stems, which can lead to faster wilting.
Avoid removing the packaging right away—allow your bouquet to adjust to room temperature first, which helps prevent the roses from drooping. Roses are delicate, and if they've been out of water for a while, air bubbles may have formed in their stems. To counter this, make slightly longer diagonal cuts and place the roses in warm water while they’re still wrapped in paper. If the roses begin to droop, gently wrap them in a paper cone for extra support, leaving them like this for a few hours or overnight. Once they’ve perked up, replace the warm water with cold, which helps prevent bacteria from forming in the vase.
Start with a thoroughly cleaned vase to eliminate any lingering bacteria from previous bouquets. Cold water is ideal for roses, as it slows bacterial growth and helps keep the flowers fresh longer. Be sure to remove any leaves below the waterline to prevent decay and contamination. If you have flower food, add it to the water to nourish the roses and extend their lifespan. Check the water level daily, as roses are especially thirsty. For even longer-lasting blooms, place your roses in a cool spot overnight.